Cornelia and the Audacious Escapes of the Somerset Sisters

This is a template of the reading comprehension map for Ms. Moix's English class.

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Cornelia and the Audacious Escapes of the Somerset Sisters by Mind Map: Cornelia and the Audacious Escapes of the Somerset Sisters

1. Rising Action

2. Vocabulary

2.1. pages 1 though 87

2.1.1. Word 1

2.1.2. Word 2

2.2. pages 87 though 135

2.2.1. Word 1

2.2.2. Word 2

2.3. pages 135 though 211

2.3.1. Word 1

2.3.2. Word 2

2.4. pages 211 though 261

2.4.1. Word 1

2.4.2. Word 2

3. Characters

3.1. Protagonist

4. Plot

4.1. Climax

4.2. Falling Action

4.3. Conclusion

5. General Info

5.1. Date Published

5.2. Genre

5.3. Setting

6. Themes, Fig. Language & Symbols

6.1. Themes

6.2. Symbols

6.3. Figurative Language

7. Summary

7.1. Section 1

7.2. Section 2

7.3. Section 3

7.4. Section 4

8. Author

8.1. Author

8.1.1. Date of Birth

8.2. About