My View of Intelligence
by Sarah Adams
1. I define it as one's capacity for learning
2. ability to gain and retain knowledge
2.1. wisdom
2.2. learn from their mistakes and rarely make the same mistake twice
2.3. understand concepts and processes
3. acquired by study and guidance - nurture
3.1. children need a mentor, a teacher, or a parent to help instill in them motivation to study and build their intelligence
3.2. intelligent people read or study things often
3.3. many intelligent people have supportive parents with high expectations
3.4. many intelligent people went to prestigious schools
4. acquired by being born - nature
4.1. children are born with the potential to be intellectuals
4.2. sometimes children are able to gain knowledge easily, with little strain or hard work, or seemingly naturally
4.3. potential can be clouded or diminished by not using faculties or from distractions
5. People who are considered intelligent have different strengths
5.1. can have a large and rich vocabulary
5.2. are often successful in their areas of expertise
5.3. whether or not a person is considered intelligent is often determined by their culture
5.4. book smarts or street smarts