Let's do some practice...

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Let's do some practice... by Mind Map: Let's do some practice...

1. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has _____________ that he and his wife will give away 99% of their Facebook shares to a new charity.

1.1. announced

1.2. addressed

2. It _______ to advance human potential and promote equality.

2.1. rejects

2.2. aims

3. On his Facebook page, Zuckerberg _________ a photo of himself, his wife Priscilla Chan and their new daughter Max.

3.1. posted

3.2. wrote

4. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has _____________ that he and his wife will give away 99% of their Facebook shares to a new charity.

5. Like all parents, we want you to _____ in a world better than ours today.

5.1. grow up

5.2. stay

6. They _________ to give away shares currently worth about 45 billion dollars.

6.1. pledged

6.2. said

7. It ______ to advance human potential and promote equality.