Differentiation Strategies for 3 Levels of Academic Readiness

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Differentiation Strategies for 3 Levels of Academic Readiness by Mind Map: Differentiation Strategies for 3 Levels of Academic Readiness

1. Tier 1 (High Level Students)

1.1. Description: 5 students who answered most, including the most difficult, of the pre-assessment correctly

1.2. Differentiation Strategy

1.2.1. Project Based Learning

1.3. Assessments

1.3.1. Google Slide Presentation on their Project-Based Learning activity based on the same rubric as the final research project for this unit

2. Tier 2 (Mid Level Students)

2.1. Description: 12 students who have some knowledge about the topic as shown in their score, but need to develop higher order thinking skills

2.2. Differentiation Strategy

2.2.1. Students will work in pairs and practice applying each historical thinking skill within a set context. Each skill is worked on independently from the others. https://beyondthebubble.stanford.edu/assessments/

2.3. Assessments

2.3.1. Each practice session requires students to answer questions. Students' answers will be evaluated after each class.

3. Tier 3 (Low Level Students)

3.1. Description: 5 students who appear to have limited knowledge about the topic

3.2. Differentiation Strategy

3.2.1. In class: one on one instruction followed by pair work

3.2.2. At home: watch videos on historical thinking skills (a list of videos will be posted on Moodle after each lesson)

3.3. Assessments

3.3.1. Exit Tickets