E subbing By Sean Arends Michael Zervos and Allen Hawks

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E subbing By Sean Arends Michael Zervos and Allen Hawks por Mind Map: E subbing By Sean Arends Michael Zervos and Allen Hawks

1. What do we need first

1.1. what needs to happen

1.1.1. Check on available domain names

1.1.2. Does anyone else have a business like this?

1.1.3. Which area would be best to start? City? College Towns? Suburban Areas?

2. Who are our customers

2.1. College Students?

2.2. Tech savy individuals

2.3. Families?

2.4. Young Business Professionals?

2.5. New node

2.6. Party planners

2.7. Businesses

3. location

3.1. Online only

3.2. Click and Mortar

3.3. Online only 1st, then bricks and mortar store later

4. How we differentiate from the others?

4.1. Build your own Sub

4.1.1. Name your own sub

4.2. Discounts for large orders

4.3. Be able to create an online profile that remembers your past creations

4.4. New node

5. Name of Our Business

5.1. eSubs2go

5.2. CyberSub

5.3. WebSub

5.4. Megabyte's Sub Shop

5.5. Cyberdine Subs

5.6. New node

6. How to Advertise

6.1. Web ads

6.2. College coupon books

6.3. Viral advertising

6.4. Youtube Promotions