1. Combined
1.1. Income Report
1.2. Integrated Sales Tax by Club
1.3. Integrated Sales Tax by Source
1.4. Money Collected By Payment Source
1.5. Money Collected By Payment Type
1.6. Transfer Candidate
2. Account Detail
2.1. 1st Payment Default
2.1.1. Mid and end of month report on customers missing 1st payment
2.2. Account Detail
2.2.1. All curent and past due members with account details
2.3. Active Members
2.3.1. Highly customization membership data good for creating joins map
2.4. Activity Type
2.5. Auto Renew Summary
2.6. Bad Address
2.6.1. has list of members flagged as bad addresses
2.7. Birthday
2.8. Cancelled Accounts
2.8.1. list of all cancels with a reason not sure if it includes bx members
2.9. Changed Summary
2.9.1. Shows a list of positive and negative member changes - not sure what it means
2.10. Credit Card Analysis
2.10.1. Member list with cc type
2.11. DataTrak Check-Ins
2.11.1. In club and remote check ins for BC
2.12. DataTrak Membership Sales Report
2.12.1. Daily joins recap and membership $ info
2.13. DataTrak MTD Membership Sales
2.13.1. Great joins and mtd forecast report
2.14. Delinquent Accounts
2.14.1. Delinquent account detail for mid and end of month
2.15. Draft Auth Revoke
2.15.1. List of accounts - not sure what it means
2.16. EFT Reconciliation
2.16.1. Eft daily number and detail drill down *** can look at all clubs at once
2.17. E-mail Addresses
2.18. Expired Accounts
2.18.1. List of expired accounts - what is an expired account
2.19. Fit Rewards
2.19.1. One report all members alumni and current
2.20. Health Fee
2.21. Indefinite Freeze
2.22. Invoice Detail
2.22.1. This is where the Draft File is located
2.23. Member Begin Date
2.23.1. Joins for month with payment detail
2.24. Members by Type
2.24.1. Breakdown of all members by type
2.25. MTD New Member Comparison
2.25.1. YoY Comparison of Joins
2.26. New Accounts
2.26.1. Monthly joins and growth recap
2.27. New Member Club Usage
2.28. Payment Activity
2.28.1. Payment Activity for a given period summary and detail
2.29. PIF Cash Liability
2.29.1. Report of days remaining on membership for a monthly period
2.30. PIF Summary
2.31. Problem Reversal
2.31.1. Mid and end of month report showing the reversal of problem accounts but unresolved
2.32. Profit Center Analysis
2.32.1. Monthly and mid month member payments
2.33. Renew Projection
2.33.1. List renewal members - not sure relevant for us
2.34. Renewal Audit
2.34.1. Looks like a good summary may be good to get ahead of accounts not set to auto renew
2.35. Renewal Evaluation
2.35.1. ?
2.36. Reversal Summary
2.36.1. Reversal recap with account and reason detail
2.37. Salesman Analysis
2.37.1. List of all the members a staff member signed up - it is a monthly report
2.38. Salesman Delinquent
2.38.1. Monthly report for all problem billings by staff member
3. Billing
3.1. Account Rconciliation
3.2. Annual Fee Audit
3.3. Attrition
3.4. Attrition Detail
3.5. Billing Summary
3.6. Charge-back Summary
3.7. Club Deposit Summary
3.8. Early Deposit Summary
3.9. Misc Deductions and Reimbursements
3.10. Receivables Summary
3.11. Sales Tax Report
3.12. Upload Verification
3.13. Aggregates
3.13.1. Account Analysis
3.13.2. Agreement Entry/Exit
3.13.3. Amount Collected
3.13.4. Pay Mode Totals
3.13.5. Payments Graph
3.13.6. Projections
3.13.7. Collected by Member Type
3.13.8. Total Pages
3.14. Invoices Available to Collect
3.14.1. Collections Variance analysis
3.14.2. Final Invoice Available vs. Actual
3.14.3. Initial Invoice by Account
3.14.4. Initial Invoice by Pay Mode
3.15. Monthly Billing Statement
3.15.1. Aggregation by Club
3.15.2. Aggregation by Months
3.16. Total collected Monthly Totals
3.16.1. Comparison by Clubs
3.16.2. Comparison by Months
3.17. Total Pages
3.17.1. AF Attrition
3.17.2. Agreement Entry Exit Totals
3.17.3. All
3.17.4. Amount Collected
3.17.5. Payments Graph
3.17.6. Paymode
4. RFC
4.1. Payments Collected
4.2. PDF Archive
4.3. Preview
4.4. Projection
4.5. Agency
5. Daily
5.1. Daily Account Adjustments
5.2. Daily Billing Statement
5.3. Daily Delinquency
5.4. Daily Invoices Available to Collect
5.5. Daily New Accounts
5.6. Daily Problem Reversals
5.7. Daily RFC Payments
6. Club Account/DT POS
6.1. DataTrak Point of Sale
6.1.1. DT Drawer Summary Report
6.1.2. DT Stations Activity Summary
6.2. Club Account/DT POS
6.2.1. Club Account/Recurring Services Summary
6.2.2. MTD - Club Account Activity Summary
6.2.3. MTD - Club Account Deposit Summary
6.2.4. Recurring Services Analysis