Gabby's Music Gallery

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Gabby's Music Gallery by Mind Map: Gabby's Music Gallery

1. Tagline: All your notes in one convenient place.

2. About

2.1. Do you ever find yourself writing the titles of songs that you will listen to or buy later when you have the money or time?

2.1.1. Graphic Design Images of what it used to be like

3. Contact

3.1. Information about me, my artists and music along with my phone number, e-mail, address and hours of operation.

3.1.1. Digital Photo Editing and Logos

3.1.2. Video I can be saying the information about myself.

4. Genre

4.1. Have a quick and clear visual representation of how much information in present by genre.

4.1.1. Infographics

5. Artist

5.1. Information about the artist all in one page. Their age, relationship artist and all the songs in each of their albums.

5.1.1. App Prototype

6. Home

6.1. Have a quote about music. Use bright and inviting colors. Have music notes scattered around the screen. Maybe have some music streaming and available to listen to.

6.1.1. QR Code

6.1.2. Screencast Presentation To show how to navigate through the site

7. News/Blog

7.1. Write in your own submission on the latest news or current emotions coming from a song that you just heard.

7.1.1. Social Media (blog maybe Twitter)