Effect of dioctyl phtalate (DOP) modified matrix on the thermal stability of glass fiber reinforc...

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Effect of dioctyl phtalate (DOP) modified matrix on the thermal stability of glass fiber reinforced composite. by Mind Map: Effect of dioctyl phtalate (DOP) modified matrix on the thermal stability of glass fiber reinforced composite.

1. Results and discussion.

2. Conclusions.

2.1. were not so compromised by the modification.

3. Significantly.... The authors have not declared any conflict of interest....

4. Introduction

5. aerospace, defence, transportation.

6. Thermal analysis

7. Production of composite materials

7.1. thermal gravimetric analysis.

7.2. impact test.

8. Experimental

9. Drop weight analysis of composite

10. Modification of polyester

10.1. methyl, ethyl ketone