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World War I by Mind Map: World War I

1. 4. Warfare

1.1. Bombing of cities

1.2. new tactics & technology introduced

1.3. Trench Wars

2. 5. Life in Europe

2.1. Towns bombed by Zeppelins, planes

2.1.1. poor conditions

2.2. Many went into poverty

2.2.1. caused many to starve

3. 6. Aftermath

3.1. Empires abolished

3.2. Millions of deaths

3.3. Economy & Trade affected

3.3.1. Europe underwent drastic changes

3.4. To this day, no one knows for sure who started WWI

4. assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

5. Causes

6. 2. Causes

6.1. Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

6.1.1. Killed by a Serb; tension between Serbia, Austria-Hungary

6.2. Politics

6.2.1. Imperialism

6.2.2. Nationalism

6.3. Secret alliances

6.3.1. Allied Nations U.S., England, Italy, France, Russia (until 1917)

6.3.2. Central Powers Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria

7. 3. Countries

7.1. Germany

7.2. Ottoman Empire (Turkey)

7.3. England

7.4. Italy

7.5. France

7.6. U.S.

7.7. Russia

8. 1. Years: 1914-1918

9. Brainstorming

10. Teamwork

11. Interactive Participation