Ridgecrest SIP 2010-2011

The draft of the 2009-2010 School Improvement Plan.

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Ridgecrest SIP 2010-2011 by Mind Map: Ridgecrest SIP 2010-2011

1. Math

1.1. SMART

1.1.1. The easyCBM raw score for students at each grade level (k-6) will increase by 10% from September 2010 to June 2011

1.2. MSP

1.2.1. By the end of the 2010-2011 School year, Ridgecrest Elementary School will have 79% of its students meet standard on the state assessments at each grade level. Each of our subgroups below 50% will be at or above 50% meeting standard on the MSP.

2. Math Action Plan

2.1. Learn and Implement the new math materials with fidelity.

2.1.1. Provide time during administration days, and PLC days to dialogue and trouble shoot challenges with implementing the new math materials. K-6 Teachers Compare Pre and Post implementation survey results

2.2. Intentionally incorporate the building goals into PLC work this year. (a) communicate goals and rationale (b) have groups analyze student goals, and synthesize how each grade level PLC is going to meet the goals (c) frequently monitor progress towards meeting those goals, focusing on specific students of concern (outliers), and (d) share how each PLC is working towards meeting those goals through sharing at full staff meetings.

2.2.1. Share during scheduled full staff meetings three times per year. Each PLC UbD Units, narratives, assessment data, anything that will communicate what they are seeing, and what contributed to the results

2.3. Internal Professional Development

2.3.1. Meet five 1/2 days throughout the school year to develop UbD units, implement the lesson components of the unit, observe the lesson, and reflect on the lesson and unit objectives. K-6, Lap teacher Completed units, assessment data, participant survey

2.4. Ensure that each student has access to an enrichment or intervention opportunity at Ridgecrest. Intentionally plan and set aside time during the day for students who need interventions to access these interventions (Math Whizz, Math IXL, LAP services...etc).

2.4.1. Distribute laptops to classrooms, create a schedule for "strategic" and "intensive" students to access interventions. OR, arrange for LAP services. K-6 teachers Progress monitoring reports from within the programs. easyCBM data.

2.5. Meetings with the principal where each teacher selects two outlier students to follow throughout the school year.

2.5.1. Meet with the principal and share samples of student work, assessment data, and enrichment or intervention ideas to support student growth. K-6 teachers, Admin Samples of student work, assessment data.

3. Key to understanding

3.1. Instructional Practices to Implement

3.2. Schedule of Activities. What are we going to do?

3.3. People Team Invovled

3.4. Evidence of success during the year

4. Reading

4.1. SMART

4.1.1. By the end of the 2010-2011 school year, 85% of its students at benchmark, 10% at strategic, and 5% at intensive at each grade level in reading fluency as measured by DIBELS.

4.2. MSP

4.2.1. By the end of the 2010-2011 School year, Ridgecrest Elementary School will have 88.1% of its students meet standard on the state assessments at each grade level. Each of our subgroups below 50% will be at or above 50% meeting standard on the MSP.

5. Reading Action Plan

5.1. Continue Professional Learning Communities in grades K-6 that focuses on designing common units using the Understanding by Design (UbD) framework that focuses on goals, enduring understandings, knowledge, skills, assessments, and instructional strategies for reading.

5.1.1. Work with Power Standards and develop UbD units. Create or identify assessments to monitor the effectiveness of our student learning. K-6 teachers Admin. DIBELS Progress Monitoring, SRI, Common Assessments, easyCBM reading.

5.2. Intentionally incorporate the building goals into PLC work this year. (a) communicate goals and rationale (b) have groups analyze student goals, and synthesize how each grade level PLC is going to meet the goals (c) frequently monitor progress towards meeting those goals, focusing on specific students of concern (outliers), and (d) share how each PLC is working towards meeting those goals through sharing at full staff meetings.

5.2.1. Share during scheduled full staff meetings three times per year. Each PLC UbD Units, narratives, assessment data, anything that will communicate what they are seeing, and what contributed to the results

5.3. Internal Professional Development

5.3.1. Meet five 1/2 days throughout the school year to develop UbD units, implement the lesson components of the unit, observe the lesson, and reflect on the lesson and unit objectives. K-6, Lap teacher Completed units, assessment data, participant survey

5.4. Continue to refine RTI reading in grades k-6

5.4.1. Use data to develop "intensive" "strategic" and "benchmark" student reading groups. Develop and implement research based reading intervention instruction based on student needs. Refine our process based on data to adjust our instructional delivery model. Everyone DIBELS Progress Monitoring, SRI, other common assessments, staff survey's and dialogue.

5.5. Meetings with the principal where each teacher selects two outlier students to follow throughout the school year.

5.5.1. Meet with the principal and share samples of student work, assessment data, and enrichment or intervention ideas to support student growth. K-6 teachers, Admin Samples of student work, assessment data.

6. New node