1. BIG IDEAS students should know to meet the standard
1.1. Students gain understanding of story structure
1.2. Students gain a understanding of the logistics behind a story
2. Objective #3 Students will be able to identify the major events in the story using their own words
2.2. Utilize graphic organizers to map out major events from the story
2.2.1. Students who have difficulty with comprehension the use of a graphic organizer visual will assist students with organizing their thoughts
2.3. Pictures to help students grasp concepts within story
2.3.1. Students who are visual learners or English Language Learners can you pictures to help them better understand text. Students can mentally connect pictures to the text from the story
3. Objective #4 Students will be able to identify key details from the story read.
3.2. Providing students with sentence starters to assist with oral and written language
3.3. Teacher will write or print sentence starters that are specific to the key details from the story
3.3.1. Students below grade level and English Language Learning can help them with writing sentences and orally answering questions in complete sentence.
3.3.2. Sentence Starter Example: When the first billy goat_________________.
4. Objective #1 Students will be able to identify and describe the elements of the setting within the story
4.2. Use of think alouds, allowing teachers to model their thought process with student
4.2.1. As I read literature to students I model my thinking process and create a list. The list will describe elements of the story setting.
4.3. Providing students with time to talk with each other and share new knowledge
4.3.1. Talking with each other about the setting will give students the chance to process new information
5. Objective #2 Students will be able to describe the characters in story read by identifying characters appearance, actions, and feelings through written response.
5.2. Use gesture while discussing characters actions or feelings
5.2.1. If the character is happy the teacher can emphasize on smiling or if the character is surprised the teacher can use gestures to indicate being surprised.
5.3. Use visuals and real life objects to connect students with characters
5.3.1. Students will be able to build and engage with characters from the story
6. Objective # 5 Students will be able to retell the story with 90% accuracy.
6.2. Pre-teaching students vocabulary
6.2.1. Teaching students unfamiliar vocabulary prior to reading text will help comprehend literature better. They will not have to tackle unfamiliar vocabulary and they can focus on the story itself.
6.3. Model/ act out the story in small groups
6.3.1. Students can act out the story they read within a small group allowing the story itself to be brought to life