The Great Gatsby
by Xiangyi Luo
1. Nick Carraway
1.1. After the Great War, went to New York to learn about business bond. p3
1.2. Daisy's cousin p5
1.3. not so rich p19
2. Tom Buchanan
2.1. Daisy's husband p5
2.2. Lived in East Egg p5
2.2.1. His family were extremely wealthy p6
2.3. Irratated p25, 37
2.4. Polo player p6
3. Daisy
3.1. Tom's wife p5
3.2. Nick's cousin p5
3.3. suspicious p16
3.3.1. dishonest p33
3.4. charming p8
4. Jordan Baker
4.1. Famous Golf player p9
4.2. Slenderm small breasted girl, with an erect carrige p11
4.3. Curious about Gatsby p11
5. Myrtle Wilson
5.1. George Wilson's wife p26
5.2. middle thirties p25
5.2.1. faintly stout p25
5.2.2. contained no facet or gleam of beauty p25