Artículos Indefinidos.The indefinite English articles are a and an, which are translated into Spa...

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Artículos Indefinidos.The indefinite English articles are a and an, which are translated into Spanish as: one and one. by Mind Map: Artículos Indefinidos.The indefinite English articles are a and an, which are translated into Spanish as: one and one.


1.1. Both a and an mean one, one. They are invariable in gender, that is, they do not change as much if their use is masculine as if it is feminine. We will know if it is translated as one (masculine) or one (feminine) depending on the gender of the noun to which they accompany.

1.2. A → se usa con palabras que empiezan por consonante, h aspirada (h sonora) o u (o cualquier otra grafía) pronunciada como /ju:/ (iu).

1.3. Example:

1.4. a dog

1.5. a person

2. Spanish speakers usually pronounce an "e" in front of words like "stranger", "special", "strong". That is a very serious mistake. Consequently, we make another mistake, to accompany these words from the indefinite article "an". We remember that they begin by consonant and, therefore, they are accompanied by "a".

3. 2. A / AN: USES

3.1. El uso del artículo indefinido a, an (un, una) suele confundirse con el del artículo definido the (el, la, los, las). Para evitar confusiones, vamos a enumerar los casos en los que se utiliza el artículo indefinido a, an.

3.2. 1.Singular noun We use a / an in front of a SINGULAR ACCOUNTANT noun (see accountants and countless)

3.3. Example:

3.4. a pencil

3.5. a lamp

4. 2 .. Professions We use a / an in front of any profession.

4.1. Example:

4.2. She is a teacher

4.3. He is a doctor

5. AN → is used with words beginning with vowel (a, e, i, or, u), h mute (not pronounced) or u short (pronounced as)

5.1. Example:

5.2. an apple

5.3. an interesting film

6. When to use an and in English There is a simple way to remember this. When the word begins with a vowel (a, e, i, or, u), then you should use 'an' as it sounds better and you hear more appropriate when you say it.

7. Viedeo

8. Video