Scaffolding Strategies By Xiaochang

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Scaffolding Strategies By Xiaochang by Mind Map: Scaffolding Strategies By Xiaochang

1. Standard

1.1. Objectives

1.1.1. 1. Evaluate the evidence supporting claims that environmental condition changes may result in increased number of individuals in species Scaffolding Strategy #1 Use of First Language Use students' first language in science class can help them to grasp the concept quickly and unfold the entire unit more efficiently. I would choose this one but I need to make sure still keep the task challenging, not to help too much. Scaffolding Strategy #2 Intentional Small Group/Partner Work Group/pair students together can help them to develop co-working ability with their peers and different types of grouping strategy might have different impact on the out comes.

1.1.2. 2. Evaluate the evidence supporting claims that environmental condition changes may result in species emergence. Scaffolding Strategy #1 Graphic Organizers As a visual learner myself, I definitely think it will help lots of students, ELL students to comprehend the content easily. Languages or words might be different, but diagram is the same. For ELL who has hard time absorbing so much content, graphic organizers can make it easier. Scaffolding Strategy #2 Tap into Prior Knowledge Students will be more interested in the class if it is related to their daily lives. So this strategy will allow them to associate the knowledge with real world, and keep the content interesting and useful. For students who cannot comprehend the concept, it might be much easier with the connections to prior knowledge.

1.1.3. 3. Evaluate the evidence supporting claims that environmental condition changes may result in species extinction. Scaffolding Strategy #1 Give Time to Talk This is also part of ""They do", students can reach higher retention rate by doing it themselves, having discussion and brain storm about concept and ideas will create a positive learning environment for them to really think about the content and knowledge. Scaffolding Strategy #2 Pause, Ask Questions, Pause, Review Ask questions and review are crucial for learning, It will help them to absorb the concept and ensure everyone reach the objectives. Allowing students to ask questions is one of the most important formative assessments that can help me to modify my lesson plan to be suitable for my students. It also is a self reflection for all the students themselves to see if they have really achieved the objectives.

2. Subject

3. Big Ideas

4. References

5. What is Scaffolding?