The Role of Culture in a Successful Knowledge-Creating and Knowledge-Organization

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The Role of Culture in a Successful Knowledge-Creating and Knowledge-Organization by Mind Map: The Role of Culture in a Successful Knowledge-Creating and Knowledge-Organization

1. Culture

1.1. Behavioral Norms

1.2. Norms

1.3. Beliefs

1.4. Values

1.4.1. Honesty

1.4.2. Equality

1.4.3. Fairness

2. The Moral

2.1. Values

2.2. Active Listening

3. Customizing Knowledge Management

3.1. Trust

3.2. Needs

3.3. Sharing Cultural

4. Knowledge

4.1. Styles of Culture

4.2. Different Types of Negotiation

5. Preaching To Practice

5.1. Practice!

5.2. Spread the word