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Totalitarianism by Mind Map: Totalitarianism

1. Communism

1.1. Key Concepts:

1.1.1. Government owns the means of production

1.1.2. All ethnicities are accepted

1.1.3. No religion

1.1.4. Appealed to urban and agricultural workers

1.2. Key People:

1.2.1. Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union)

1.2.2. Karl Marx

1.2.3. Fidel Castro (Cuba)

1.2.4. Mao Zedong (China)

2. Facism/Nazism

2.1. Key Concepts:

2.1.1. Capitalists own the means of production

2.1.2. Extreme Nationalism (ONLY Italians or ONLY Germans)

2.1.3. Use religion as a tool

2.1.4. Appealed to business leaders, wealthy landowners and the lower middle class

2.2. Key People:

2.2.1. Facism: Benito Mussolini (Italy)

2.2.2. Nazism: Adolf Hitler (Germany)

3. TOTALitarianism

3.1. Definition: One absolute leader (single-party dictatorship)

3.2. Techniques used to obtain and retain ABSOLUTE control:

3.2.1. 1. State control of the economy

3.2.2. 2. Censorship of all media

3.2.3. 3. Use of propaganda (spending ideas to promote a specific cause)

3.2.4. 4. Indoctrination (the process of teaching a point of view)

3.2.5. 5. Use of spies/secret police and fear