Political Representation

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Political Representation by Mind Map: Political Representation

1. How can we measure the representativeness of an institution?

1.1. Substantive

1.1.1. Does the representative advance the policy preferences that serve the interests of the represented?

1.2. Symbolic

1.2.1. how does the representative stand for the represented?

1.3. Descriptive

1.3.1. how closely does the representative resemble and share experiences with their constituency?

1.4. Formalistic

1.4.1. how are representatives authorized and held accountable?

2. US Congress

2.1. House of Representatives

2.1.1. representatives based on state's population 435 members

2.1.2. 25 years old

2.1.3. 2 year terms

2.1.4. more partisan

2.2. Senate

2.2.1. 2 per state 100 members

2.2.2. 30 years old

2.2.3. 6 year terms

2.2.4. less partisan

3. Models of representation

3.1. Trustee Model

3.2. Delegate Model

3.3. Conscience Model

3.4. Politico Model