The Murder On The Orient Express
by Lance Mioduski
1. Russian Pricess
1.1. Close Relationship With Armstrong Family
1.2. GodMother Of Daisey Armstrong
1.3. Says Its Destiny That Ratchett Was Killed On Train
2. Hercule Poirot
2.1. Main Character
2.2. Belgium Detective
2.3. Suspects Debenham And Arbuthnot
3. M. Bouc
3.1. Train Company Executive
3.2. Friend of Poirot
3.3. Jumps Right To The Point
4. Mary Debenham
4.1. Beautiful Young Woman
4.2. Stressed About Missing Train, Once On, Relieved.
4.3. Heard Talking About A Plan With Arbuthnot
5. Col. Arbuthnot
5.1. Likes M. Debenham
5.2. Smokes A Pipe
5.3. Uses Same Pipe Cleaners Found In Dead Mans Compartment
5.4. Heard Talking About A Plan With Debenham
6. Wagon Lit Conductor
6.1. Moved From Room To Room
6.2. Had Access To All Rooms
6.3. Did Not Answer Hubbard's Room
7. Mrs. Hubbard
7.1. Scared Of Ratchett
7.2. Talks A Lot About Her Daughter
7.3. Thinks She Saw The Murderer
7.4. Found Conductors Uniform In Her Compartment
7.5. Who Is Her Daughter?
8. Samuel Ratchett (Dead)
8.1. Has Many Enemies Enemies
8.2. Lies Dead In Compartment W/ 12 stab wounds
8.3. Attempted Too Hire Hercule Poirot To Protect Him
8.4. Kidnapped And Killed A Little Girl
9. Hector MacQueen
9.1. Ratchett's Secretary
9.2. Suspects Mr. Hardman
9.3. Was In Mr. Hardmans Room At The Time Of The Murder
10. Dr. Constatine
10.1. The Doctor On The Orient Express
11. Murderer
11.1. Possibly A Woman
11.2. Possibly More Than One Person
11.3. Pink Dragon Kimono (Uknown)
11.4. Conductors Uniform (Found)
12. Daisey Armstrong (Dead)
12.1. Murdered In America
12.2. Murderer, Ratchett
13. Gretta Ohlsson
13.1. Swedish Lady
13.2. Last To See Ratchett Alive
13.3. Took Some Aspirin And Could Not Go To Sleep
14. Mr. Hardman
14.1. Typewriter
14.2. Undercover Detective (Possibly False)
14.3. Planned To Watch Ratchett At All Times
15. Hildegarde Schmidt
15.1. Russian Princesses's Maid
15.2. Keeps Princesses's Keys To Her Luggage
15.3. Was With The Princess At The Time Of The Murder
16. Everyone Is Connected To The Armstrong Family
16.1. Maid
16.2. Hardman
16.3. Arbuthnot
16.4. Debenham (Linda Arden)
16.5. Princess
16.6. Ohlsson
16.7. Hubbard
16.8. Wagon Lit Conductor