Schools of Literary Criticism

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Schools of Literary Criticism by Mind Map: Schools of Literary Criticism

1. Cultural Criticism- Considers the importance of race/ethnicity in the story

2. Structural Criticism- Assumes that structures are always in place in literature

3. Deconstructive Criticism- Assumes there are no structures in place in literature

4. Reader response Criticism- Assumes that every reader is different and therefore approaches a text Differently

5. Historical Criticism- Considers the time in which the work is written and set

6. Authorial Criticism- Considers the relevance of the Author's personal life on his or her work

7. Psychoanalytical Criticism- Considers how characters are motivated (sometimes subconsciously)

8. Feminist/Gender Criticism- Considers the gender role in a work

9. Marxist Criticism- Considers the role money or social status plays in a work