Studying Pharmaceutical Engineering Online is achievable

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Studying Pharmaceutical Engineering Online is achievable by Mind Map: Studying Pharmaceutical Engineering Online is achievable

1. In conclusion, with the advancement of technology in the future, thus present us with advantages of completing tasks in various ways. Pharmaceutical engineering with other related programs can be achieved by using the right technological tools.

2. Time Management

2.1. Routine. Using my military background, I'd create a routine by creating a weekly or monthly schedule of my activities depending on work priority.

2.2. Have a reminder - be disciplined to set an alarm using a cellphone Computer applications such as Microsoft Outlook, or have a support system of friends and family to remind you just in case your phone or computer crashed.

2.3. with the luxury of home comfort, distraction and lost of time can come by easily. Limiting studying time to 30 minutes every 2 hours helped me accomplished my long studies in the past and as an online student, I will do the same because when I stay longer than on the computer, I found myself surfing the Web for nonrelated school topic.

3. Self-Discipline

3.1. Self motivation is the engine to success for online students

3.2. Be Punctual at all times. Been religiously on time by keeping up with due dates of class assignments and homework.

3.3. Courage to take on tasks without been pushed has to be firm and endless. Know that you are not alone and be discipline to overcome failures.

4. Studying Environment

4.1. Have a room dedicated for studies. If that's not possible, head to the library. I prefer a quiet environment to do school work.

4.2. The Internet has made it possible for people from all around the world to study at the same time. This shows how traditional classroom discussions are achievable for Online students. Using social media or apps such as Tweeter Facebook Instagram and even better Google and more.

4.3. For Labs and Lectures, online students can use Skype for a live participation in the sessions. Using DVDs will help students have the ability to replay the recorded lab sessions and take note efficiently.