What is child abuse and how can you recognize it?

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What is child abuse and how can you recognize it? por Mind Map: What is child abuse and how   can you recognize it?

1. Physical abuse

1.1. physical abuse of a child is when a parent or caregiver causes any non-accidental physical injury to a child.

2. Sexual abuse

2.1. Sexual abuse occurs when an adult uses a child for sexual purposes or involves a child in sexual acts.

3. Emotional abuse

3.1. When a parent or caregiver harms a child’s mental and social development, or causes severe emotional harm, it is considered emotional abuse.

4. Child neglect

4.1. Child neglect is when a parent or caregiver does not give the care, supervision, affection and support needed for a child’s health, safety and well-being.

5. what is Child abuse

5.1. Child abuse is any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation, or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm

6. Thesis Statement

6.1. Child abuse is when a parent or caregiver, whether through action or failing to act, causes injury, death, emotional harm or risk of serious harm to a child and There are a lot of different ways to recognize child abuse