Local Babies, Global Science: Part 2

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Local Babies, Global Science: Part 2 by Mind Map: Local Babies, Global Science: Part 2

1. Chapter 3

1.1. Knowledge

1.1.1. People of Egypt have a serious lack of knowledge when it comes to infertility and how to conceive regardless

1.1.2. Lack of access to physicians and affordability of treatments makes it hard for couples to educate themselves about their situation and how to improve

1.2. Morality and Scientific Literacy

1.2.1. Egyptian religions and culture have a different idea about procreation. There is a social divide and fears that exist around NRT. Parenthood is supposed to be "natural" and the idea is that IVF is very "artificial"

1.2.2. This is made worse by a severe lack of scientific literacy. People need to learn more about reproduction and how all of the science works. Only that will achieve a social change.

1.3. Conclusion: The Desire for Knowledge

1.3.1. Our world is highly mass-mediated and it is easier than ever before to get information to people around the world.

1.3.2. Treatments are also becoming more easily available for people around the world. Egypt is just struggling with social constraints, lack of general knowledge, and lack of funding.

2. Chapter 2

2.1. The Coptic Merchants

2.1.1. Upper class citizens have more open access to NRT

2.1.2. Example: Mikhail and Georgette both work as merchants and are able to afford IVF

2.2. The Enactment of Stratified Reproduction

2.2.1. The higher class, more money people have in Egypt allows for them to be able to afford these reproductive technologies

2.2.2. Stratified Reproduction

2.3. The Public-Private Divide

2.3.1. Privately vs Publicly funded fertility help

2.4. The Three-Tiered System

2.5. Availibilty to NRT depends on a three-tiered class system: upper, middle, and lower class