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Community by Mind Map: Community

1. Considered rude to point out other peoples differences

2. Get assigned your life job at you 12th Ceremony

3. Family unit

3.1. 1 Mother 1 Father 2 children

3.2. Families share feelings every night at dinner

4. Ceremonies

4.1. Ceremony 1- Get your family

4.2. Ceremony 9- Get your first bike

4.3. Ceremony 12- get your assignment

4.4. Ceremony 8- Get to start volunteer work

5. Jobs

5.1. Nurturer

5.2. Birth mother

5.3. Justice building working

6. Rules

6.1. Don't point of other peoples differences.

6.2. Can't brag

6.3. Can't ride a bike before age 9 when you get your own.