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Community by Mind Map: Community

1. Jobs

1.1. House of the Old

1.1.1. Where the people go when they get old.

1.2. Department of Justice

1.2.1. They enforce and make the laws.

1.3. Birthmothers

1.3.1. They give birth to three baby's and then they work hard labor.

1.4. Nurtures

1.4.1. They take care of the new born baby's.

2. The community

2.1. They have very strict rule's

2.1.1. Destinations

3. Ceremonies

3.1. Ones

3.1.1. You go home

3.2. Nines

3.2.1. You get a bike

3.3. Twelves

3.3.1. You get a job

3.4. Eights

3.4.1. First volunteer hours

4. Family Unit

4.1. Mother, father, a son and daughter