1. Education
1.1. Master’s in School Administration and Supervision College of New Rochelle
1.2. Master’s in School Library Media Services Queens College
1.3. Bachelor’s in Elementary Education Queens College
1.4. Associate's in Business Administration Queensborough Community College
2. Strengths
2.1. Learner
2.1.1. Project Management Fundamentals Farmingdale State College Dec 2010
2.1.2. Intermediate Microsoft Excel Farmingdale State College Aug 2010
2.1.3. Creating an Effective PowerPoint Presentation Atomic Learning
2.1.4. TeacerTube and YouTube
2.1.5. Access 2003 Intro Atomic Learning
2.2. Responsibility
2.2.1. Supervise 7th Grade Teacher Team Special Education Teachers Second Language Department Library Staff Reading Teachers Afterschool Academic Activities
2.2.2. Staff Development ELA Exam Training PowerSchool eChalk Faculty Meetings SASI Data Wednesdays
2.2.3. Building Master Scheduler
2.2.4. NYS and Building Exam Coordinator
2.3. Harmony
2.3.1. 2010-11 Clubs, Late Day, AM and PM Supervision and School Supplies
2.3.2. Student Progress Report
2.3.3. We are listening
2.3.4. Safety Committee
2.3.5. ELA Proctor Training
2.3.6. 2010-11 Schedule Concern
2.4. Input
2.4.1. Team Minutes
2.4.2. PPS Committe
2.4.3. RTI Committee
2.4.4. Grade Changes
2.4.5. Instructional Walk-through
2.5. Arranger
2.5.1. THMS Pupil Support Team
2.5.2. Budget: Needs Statement
2.5.3. Attendance: Learning Academy and ConnectEd
2.5.4. Master Scheduler
2.5.5. Exams Coordinator
3. Professional Learning Networks
3.1. Google Certified Teachers
3.2. Tech Learning 2010
3.3. ILearn_Technology
3.4. School Leadership 2.0
3.5. Data Warehouse
3.6. ASCD
4. Professional Career
4.1. School Administrator
4.2. Technology Consultant
4.3. Adjunct Professor
4.4. Library Media Specialist
4.5. Classroom Teacher
5. Certifications
5.1. Google Certified Teacher for Administrators San Antonio, Texas 03/05/2010
5.2. Power School Certified – Level 1 Boces Westbury, Ny 10/01/2009
5.3. School District Administrator Permanent Certificate 09/01/2004
5.4. School Media Specialist (Library) Permanent Certificate 09/01/2000
5.5. Pre-K-6 Elementary Education Permanent Certificate 09/01/2000
6. Favorite Online Resources
6.1. iTunes
6.1.1. Podcasts School District Leaders Schools Moving Up TED Talks The Whole Child:ASCD
6.1.2. University What Great Bosses Know K-12 Online Conference 2010
6.2. Websites
6.2.1. Evernote Capture information in any environment
6.2.2. Delicious A social bookmarking site
6.2.3. Annenberg Media Learner.org Professional development and curriculum resources
6.2.4. Schools Moving Up: WestEd Quality resources for school improvement efforts.
6.2.5. AtomicLearning
6.3. Blogs/Online Publications
6.3.1. ILearn Technology An Edublog about Integrating Technology into the Classroom
6.3.2. BOCES CIT e-Response