What do we want to achieve in students for Mathematics Learning?

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What do we want to achieve in students for Mathematics Learning? por Mind Map: What do we want to achieve in students for Mathematics Learning?

1. Framework for 21st Century Competencies and students outcomes

1.1. Competencies

1.1.1. Critical and Inventive Thinking Curiosity and Creativity Sound reasoning and Decision Making Metacognition Managing Complexities and Ambiguities

1.1.2. Communication, Collaboration and Information Skills

1.1.3. Civic Literacy, Global Awareness and Cross-cultural Skills

2. Mathematics Syllabus

2.1. Aims of Math education:

2.1.1. 1) Acquire and apply math concepts and skills

2.1.2. 2) develop cognitive and metacognitive skills through a mathematical approach

2.1.3. 3) develop positive attitudes towards math

2.2. Processes

2.2.1. Process skills involved in the process of acquiring and applying mathematical knowledge Reasoning Communication and connections Applications and modelling Thinking skills and Heuristics

2.3. Metacognition

2.3.1. thinking about thinking - refers to the awareness of, and the ability to control one's thinking processes, in particular the selection and use of problem-solving strategies. It includes monitoring of one's own thinking, and self- regulation of learning.

3. What is our Area of Concern?

3.1. Students lack the ability to analyse mathematical situations and construct logical argeuments to reason their thinking

4. Volume (measurement) Spatial Relationships

4.1. Measure syllabus

4.2. Describes the attributes of objects e.g. liquid

4.3. Standard units of measure enable people to interpret results or data.

4.4. Essential questions

4.4.1. Why do I measure

4.4.2. Why do I need standardised units of measure?

4.5. Misconceptions

4.5.1. Do not know how to use measuring tool

4.5.2. Lack of visualisation ability

4.5.3. Lack of understanding of conservation and transitivity

5. Inquiry question: How does teacher-directed inquiry approach build students’ mathematical reasoning and communication skills?

5.1. Readings

5.1.1. Guided Inquiry for math

5.1.2. 7 objectives of teaching math thru inquiry

5.2. This approach is about learning through guided inquiry. Instead of giving the answers, teachers lead students to explore, investigate and find answers on their own. Students learn to focus on specific questions and ideas and are engaged in communicating, explaining and reflecting on their answers. They also learn to pose questions, process information and data and seek appropriate methods and solutions. This enhances the development of mathematical processes and 21st century competencies. (Math Syllabus 2013)