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Docker 作者: Mind Map: Docker

1. Docker Machine

1.1. Creates Linux Virtual Machines with the Docker Engine ready

1.2. Setups the connection with the daemon

1.3. Used in Mac and Windows

1.4. Example

1.4.1. docker-machine create -d virtualbox default

2. Docker Engine

2.1. Daemon that runs in Linux

2.1.1. In Mac and Windows you need a Virtual Machine

2.2. Remote HTTP API

3. Registry

3.1. Allows push and pull of images

3.2. Is a repository of images

3.3. Example

3.3.1. docker.ndrive.com

4. Container

4.1. Is an instance of an Image with parameters

4.2. Example:

4.2.1. docker run -it python:3

5. Image

5.1. We build an image from a Dockerfile

5.2. Name of the image (NAMESPACE/IMAGE:TAG)

5.2.1. Namespace The registry/repository of images

5.2.2. Image The name of the image

5.2.3. Tag Version

5.3. Example

5.3.1. docker.ndrive.com/auth:production

6. Dockerfile

6.1. They have instructions to build an image

6.2. Instructions

6.2.1. FROM

6.2.2. COPY

6.2.3. RUN


6.2.5. CMD

7. What is?

7.1. A Container Engine built on top of Linux Namespaces

7.2. Is not a Virtual Machine!

8. Architecture

8.1. Docker Client

8.1.1. The client you use to run containers

8.1.2. Comunicates with Docker Engine

8.2. Diagram

9. Docker Compose

9.1. YAML format

9.2. Run a stack of multiple containers