Matt Giammarino
by Goran Kimovski

1. Legend
1.1. Use the + and - icons to expand/collapse nodes
1.2. Hover over the circle with lines to read attached notes
1.3. The forward pointing arrow indicates a link associated with the node
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2. Remix Your Education
3. New node
4. Youtube video
5. Brain Boost Education
6. How?
7. What's a remix?
7.1. In music: combining two or more songs to make a new one
7.2. In art: Combining two or more sources and ideas to make something new
7.3. In education: combining a variety of educational experiences to come up with a new approach to learning.
8. What's education?
8.1. Education does not = School
8.2. You own your education
9. The remix rules
9.1. Sample from everywhere
9.1.1. Youtube
9.1.2. TED
9.1.3. 4-H
9.2. Don't wait for the next opportunity
9.2.1. Remixing is an incremental sport
9.2.2. This is the one opportunity you have
9.3. Stretch
10. Fertile ground in BC.
10.1. 22,000 students get education through distance learning
10.2. BC's home-schooling laws allow parents to educate their kids as they see fit and re-integrate them in schools at the level they fit based on knowledge and abilities
10.3. Fertile time
10.3.1. We need a distributed network of educational resources and experiences
11. In the town square
11.1. TEDxUBC
11.2. Free Geek
12. My story
12.1. Started in phylosophy
12.2. Switched to economy
12.3. Got dissilusioned in the state of arts'
12.4. Finally I decided to learn psychology
12.5. Teachers I met are passionate
12.6. The stories I have heard underground were amazing
13. Implications
13.1. For Parents and Spouses
13.2. For Students
13.2.1. Focus on flow
13.3. For Citizens
13.3.1. Sum of individual choices = Out collective Faith