Race in the Americas from the 1920's to the present?

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Race in the Americas from the 1920's to the present? by Mind Map: Race in the Americas from the 1920's to the present?

1. Imigration of Asian

1.1. Latin America in Asia-Pacific Perspective: After the last shipment of African slave, Chinese become the exclusive labor force and the most prominent. Japanese is the second prominent and also exclusive labor forces.

1.2. Koreans Battle the Odds in Mexico City's Poorest Barrio: The Koreans immigrant to Mexico in Tepito city to open a business but be prevent or limit by the Mexico restrictive immigrant laws

2. Coolie system is actually slavery

3. Chinese trade begin more strong

4. Mexican anti Chinese

5. Discrimination

5.1. Blacks in Mexico: A Forgotten Minority: The black people and indigenous tend to be discriminate, but the black people is more to be racism. According to Luz Montiel "blacks are particularly marginalized and excluded, to the point that it is impossible to find any mention of them in official records."

6. The Cultural Politics of Blackness in Colombia: in the end, the black are no longer as invisible as they once were and the smooth maintenance of racial inequality has been disrupted

7. In fact, from the video, the Mexican used to be consider as black people but they created their own culture and live by their own heritage, so they completely define as Mexican.

8. Suffer

8.1. From the 4 videos, the both indigenous are not only lose their land. They also have to face the criminals and can only see their resources of land be taken. In while the government do not help them anything

9. The indigenous people in Mexico do not have voice and have to suffer like these other indigenous people from other Latin Americas countries

10. In the end, the racism and inequality of life are two main reasons lead to many races have to suffer. Until now, not all races achived the justice, there is some race have to continue their struggle to fight for their right

11. Forcus on Class Distinctions

11.1. Kimberle Williams Crenshaw: Strong stratification of black people. This is not function of race and this is function of class

11.2. Rethinking race in Brazil: brazil racial distinction ephermeral, mere adjuncts to class categories

12. Meaning of race has been significantly transformed to modernized and reinterpreted.

13. Racial inequalities is the reason destroyed the racial democracy

14. Meaning of race and complexities of racial identity are contested far more intensely than ever

15. Figh for their right

15.1. The Zapatista is the rebellion of indigenous peoples to fight for their education, health care and justice