Race in Latin America

Discussing the main points of race in Latin America

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Race in Latin America by Mind Map: Race in Latin America

1. Racism in Brazil

1.1. Gradually whitening the population.

1.2. Getting rid of African Americans by slowly getting rid of the black skin by mixing them and breeding with white people.

1.3. Most blacks in Brazil are in prison or segregated.

2. African presence in Mexico

2.1. From 1519-1810 the Spanish brought over 100,000 enslaved Africans to Mexico.

2.2. "Afro-Mexicans" refer to themselves as "negros or morenos" but identify themselves as Mexicans, not Africans.

2.3. Most blacks here don't have any economic power.

3. Zapatista National Liberation

3.1. People from Chiapas, Mexico organized the EZLN. It is one of the poorest state in Mexico.

3.2. The movement grew as a result of mistrust of the Mexican Government and lack of representation.

3.3. The Movement was not limited to Mexico.

3.4. With, NAFTA they believed it would drop prices on food. The day they joined, they would declare war.

4. The Gunmen and The Guarani

4.1. The law is shooting with no warning to anyone they can find, including children.

4.2. 70 year olds are fighting to defend themselves. Since the gunmen think they are the law, they believe they are above everyone else.

4.3. The Guarani Indians are very silent and deeply spiritual people. They are searching for "a land without evil."

4.4. They have lost many of their land. Guarani children starve and their leaders have been assisanted