a Proclamation for today

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a Proclamation for today by Mind Map: a Proclamation for today

1. social issues

1.1. ervyone should have work and medium wage becouse people need money for bills and for living.And no one should be homeless becouse they are still people.ö

2. rights equality

2.1. evryone in the country should have the same rights but the citizen of the country shoud have the rigtht to vote for the nexr maior.Men and women shoud be equal too becouse they are people too and they live with us.

3. Nationality

3.1. Destinations

4. internet access

4.1. ervyone should have access to internet becouse our society works around it and it makes ervything easier.

5. freedom

5.1. evryone should have rules but they should be able to show there opinions to other people and rules should defend the people from other people.

6. the role of young people

6.1. the role of young people depends on the people age becouse age of 0-6 schoude listen to there parents. age of 8-15 should go to school and take part in the society.

7. god/blessings

7.1. ervyone should have free choice ho they belive and prey.

8. people taking up arms

8.1. People shoud have the right to defend there selfs but the arms they have should be tazers or knife or low power pistols.

9. racism

9.1. ervyone should be equal becouse ervyone lives life on there own plan and they can t do anything abaut how they where born.If someone is diffrent it dosen't mean that he is a bad person.

10. borders

10.1. Destinations