Bullies take and distribute pictures of Chester, a lanky high school student, in nothing but his ...

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Bullies take and distribute pictures of Chester, a lanky high school student, in nothing but his boxer shorts which leads to ridicule from his peers. by Mind Map: Bullies take and distribute pictures of Chester, a lanky high school student, in nothing but his boxer shorts which leads to ridicule from his peers.

1. Chester stands up for himself

1.1. Negative

1.1.1. Bullies start picking on one of Chester's friends instead

1.1.2. Chester gets picked on even more

1.1.3. Bullies decide to put the pictures online

1.2. Positive

1.2.1. Bullies develop new found respect for Chester

1.2.2. Chester gains confidence and doesn't allow anyone to bully him

1.2.3. Other victims follow in Chester's footsteps

2. Parents report bullies for distributing child pornography

2.1. Negative

2.1.1. Chester ridiculed for having parents fight battles

2.1.2. Bullies families take action against Chester

2.1.3. Bullies are forever labeled sex offenders, ruining their lives

2.2. Positive

2.2.1. Parents have more peace of mind with bullies gone

2.2.2. Bullies can't victimize anyone anymore

2.2.3. Bullies ultimately change their ways and begin to demote bullying

3. Chester starts working out

3.1. Negative

3.1.1. Bullies see it as a threat so they jump him

3.1.2. Bullies start rumor that Chester uses steroids

3.1.3. Chester beats up bullies and becomes the bully

3.2. Positive

3.2.1. They no longer have a reason to bully him

3.2.2. Chester gets big so bullies hesitate to harass him

3.2.3. Chester's self esteem rises with his new body image

4. School Staff suggests ignoring the Bullies

4.1. Negative

4.1.1. Begin to lose control of the students

4.1.2. Bullies harass Chester even harder to get a reaction

4.1.3. Chester ultimately becomes a shut-in in order to ignore the bullies

4.2. Positive

4.2.1. Chester lives peacefully through ignorance

4.2.2. Bullies realize they aren't affecting Chester so they lose interest

4.2.3. Chester improves in school thanks to staff advice

5. Let's look at some different options and some of the positives and negatives for each scenario