Islamic Topics and their Forums
by Amy Guo
1. Neo-Zarqāwi-ists (ultra-violent Jihadists): believes Jihadists’ religious doctrine rules all and that anyone who does not actively support al- Qaeda is an enemy of God who deserves to be killed.
1.1. Medād al-Sūyūf: 4,237 registered members
1.2. Ḥānīn
1.3. Minbar al-Tawḥīd wal Jihād
2. Wahhabi: Popular in Saudi Arabia and retains a socially conservative, austere and vacuous interpretation of Islam.
2.1. Fursān al-Ḥaq- Mainly a forum for religious, Egyptian Wahhabis. It has 107,753 registered members.
2.2. Al-Ḥisba - religious website
2.3. Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn
3. Al-Qaeda affiliated
4. Jihadism
4.1. Al-Hisba (II), not the same as the Wahhabi Al-Hisba site of the same name
4.2. Al-Taḥaddī: The third most popular al-Qaeda affiliated Jihadist forum. It has 5,861 registered members.
4.3. Shumūkh al-Islām: The second most popular al-Qaeda affiliated Jihadist forum.
4.4. Al-Fallūja: 17,858 registered members.
4.5. Al-Mujāhidīn: Jihadist website regarded suspiciously by Al-Tahaddi, Shumukh al-Islam, and Al-Falluja
5. General Issues
5.1. Al-Jazeeratalk
5.2. Ma’ārik Islamic network
6. Salafist: A revivalist Sunni Muslim trend that believes that Muslims should shed traditional theological edicts and instead derive new religious verdicts directly from the sources.