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BeardBot2 by Mind Map: BeardBot2

1. chat moderation

1.1. link protection

1.2. banned words

1.3. spam protection

2. repeat messages

3. stream currency

3.1. spend on stream features

4. greeter

4.1. lurker mode

5. music player

5.1. song requests

5.1.1. moderation

5.1.2. auto-add at regular level

5.2. song rating

5.2.1. random song choices affected by rating

5.2.2. rating display in chat

5.2.3. rating quotes

5.3. music library

5.4. music downloader

6. polling

7. chat commands

7.1. moderators add chat commands

8. viewer levels

8.1. doghouse, pleb, regular, botmod, owner

9. contests

10. chat games

11. overlay games

11.1. slot machine

12. chat logs

13. game interface

13.1. hearthstone

13.1.1. chat draft

13.1.2. log parser deck tracker

14. chat stats

14.1. active and idle time

14.2. chat lines

14.3. moderation stats

15. overlay display

15.1. song display

15.2. overlay emotes

15.3. sound effects

15.4. chat display

15.5. text crawler

16. alerts


16.2. subs

16.3. donations