Support Enhance Access Service

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Support Enhance Access Service by Mind Map: Support Enhance Access Service

1. Support Service & Programs

1.1. Family Programs

1.1.1. Family Violence Crisis Intervention

1.1.2. Family/Individual Counselling

1.1.3. Women/Single Parent Support Group

1.1.4. Men Mental Health Training Workshop & Support Group

1.1.5. Parenting Skills Training

1.1.6. Early Year Program & Sunday Drop-In Centre

1.1.7. Family Violence Prevention Workshops

1.1.8. Children After School Program

1.2. Youth Program

1.2.1. Leadership Training

1.2.2. Life Skills Training

1.2.3. Mentorship

1.2.4. Recreation/Sport Activities

1.3. Senior Program

1.4. Other Programs

1.4.1. Volunteer Recruiting, Training & Placement

1.4.2. Cultural and Festival Celebration

1.4.3. Community Outreach and Networking

1.4.4. Interest and Hobbies Group

1.4.5. Civilizational Workshops

1.4.6. One Stop Resource Centre

1.5. Services

1.5.1. Information & Referral

1.5.2. Interpretation/Translation

1.5.3. Supportive Conuselling

1.5.4. Education/Health/Informative Workshops

1.5.5. Affordable Housing Application

1.5.6. Employment Support and Referral

2. A multi-social service agency that focuses on family and immigrant services

2.1. The services are extended to all ethnic groups but with particular attention to the Chinese, Vietnamese and Filipino communities

3. Branch offices located in the Greater Toronto Area and York Region

4. MISSION: A not-for-profit social service agency promoting individual well-being, enhancing family harmony and encouraging community involvements

5. VISION: Envision a welcoming community that supports the integration of newcomers into Canadian life

5.1. A community where everyone can flourish and where everyone can contribute