Benefits of UPVC Windows and Doors

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Benefits of UPVC Windows and Doors by Mind Map: Benefits of UPVC Windows and Doors

1. What is UPVC?

1.1. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is one of the oldest polymers in the world having first been developed in the 1940s.

1.1.1. Recruit Project Sponsor

1.1.2. Recruit Project Manager

1.1.3. Review Related Projects and Lessons Learned

1.1.4. Prepare Project Initiation Plan

1.1.5. Brief the Initial Project Team

1.1.6. Review Project Kick-off Plans and Presentation Map

1.1.7. Hold Project Kick-off Meeting

1.2. Today, this product is used in a wide variety of products because it is durable, cost efficient, environmentally safe and adaptable as well.

1.2.1. Establish Project Objective

1.2.2. Establish Project Scope

1.2.3. Map Requirements

1.2.4. Map Solution

1.2.5. Map Training Requirement

1.2.6. Review Project Scope

2. Advantages of uPVC Windows and Doors

2.1. Energy Efficiency: One of the major advantages offered by UPVC windows and doors that surpass metals such as aluminum is their natural energy efficiency.

2.1.1. Establish checkpoints

2.1.2. Acquire team resources for stage

2.1.3. Conduct stage kick-off meeting

2.2. Durability: When it comes to window frames, vinyl is one of the most popular choices.

2.2.1. Determine Frequency of Meetings

2.2.2. Schedule Meetings

2.2.3. Brief Project Board

2.2.4. Prepare Meetings

2.2.5. Conduct Meetings

2.2.6. Follow-up Meeting

2.3. Balance: PVC offers the right combination of features that wood, aluminum and vinyl offer while being more cost efficient.

2.3.1. Schedule Quality Review Meeting

2.3.2. Prepare for Quality Review Meeting

2.3.3. Conduct Quality Review Meeting

2.3.4. Follow-up Quality Review Meeting

2.4. Environmentally Sound: Whether you use PVC products for your front door, commercial glass windows or even a French door, the product itself does not create any environmental damage and can be reused if necessary.

2.4.1. Identify Project Issues

2.4.2. Assess Impact of Issues

2.4.3. Assign Resources

2.4.4. Resolve Issue

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