Examining Sources about the Japanese Occupation in Malaya

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Examining Sources about the Japanese Occupation in Malaya создатель Mind Map: Examining Sources about the Japanese Occupation in Malaya

1. https://eh.net/encyclopedia/economic-history-of-malaysia/

2. Treatment of the Malays

2.1. Vernon: During the Japanese Occupation, the Malays were treated much better than the Chinese. According to an article by Jeffery Hays, it states that the Japanese regarded the Malays as a colonial people liberated from British imperialist rule, and fostered a limited form of Malay nationalism, which gained them some degree of collaboration from the Malay civil service and intellectuals. (Most of the Sultans also collaborated with the Japanese, although they maintained later that they had done so unwillingly.) The Malay nationalist Kesatuan Melayu Muda, advocates of Melayu Raya, collaborated with the Japanese, based on the understanding that Japan would unite the Dutch East Indies, Malaya and Borneo and grant them independence. It is similar to the resource package as both state that the Malays were treated much better by the Japanese than races like Chinese. This source was published to tell people about the Japanese and them being bias. Therefore, this source is reliable.

2.2. http://www.hsse.nie.edu.sg/staff/blackburn/oralhistorytranscript2.html

2.3. http://www.asiapacificedcrossings.org/educators/at-the-crossroads-southeast-asia/resources/module-11-life-during-wwii-the-different-experiences-of-the-japanese-occupation-in-malaya-and-singapore/

2.4. lucius: The Malays had much easier time with the Japanese, though those who the Japanese thought to be going against them were also dealt with severely. This was because the Japanese did not see them as a threat. Hence, the Japanese tried to win the support of the Malays and convince them that Japan would free them from colonial rule.

2.5. Lucius: This source is reliable in showing that the treatment of the Malays was much more lenient than the Chinese. This can be supported from the source which states that the Malays had a much easier time with the Japanese, this meaning that the Malays did not suffer that badly as the other races.

2.6. http://www.slideshare.net/gohbangrui/history-chapter-6-how-did-world-war-ii-affect-singapore

3. Basil: Source A: https://www.ukessays.com/essays/history/major-effects-japanese-occupation-malaya-history-essay.php and Source B: http://popnightfall.blogspot.sg/2011/08/effects-of-japanese-occupation-towards.html

4. Source A states that the japanese occupation in Malaya caused the relationships between the races to be severed as Chinese and Indians were not treated well.

5. http://histclo.com/essay/war/ww2/cou/sing/ww2s-civ.html

6. http://popnightfall.blogspot.sg/2011/08/effects-of-japanese-occupation-towards.html

7. Jovan : This source is reliable in showing the social restrictions in Malaya during the Japanese Occupation. It states that relationships between the different races became more distant due to unfair treatment by the Japanese.

8. By Aiman: This source is reliable as it is showing the social restrictions in Malaya during the Japanese Occupation. The source states that Malays and Chinese were treated differently, where the Malays were treated nicely but the Chinese were treated harshly and were often punished.

9. By Jem- This source is reliable in showing the treatment of the Chinese during Japanese Occupation in Malaya as it is done by Mr Rajoo, who is an Indian and was not treated harshly, which means he is able to give more unbiased opinions and objective views towards how the Chinese were treated. The source was also produced for the purpose of research, done by a modern historian who wants find out more about the history during that period. However, the source will not be reliable in terms of seeing things in the Japanese point of view, as they would not be realising what they are doing is morally wrong and instead think that it is an inevitable part conquering Malaya.

10. During the occupation, certain social regulations were implemented. "Pupils had to learn to speak Japanese and to appreciate the culture of Japan. The singing of the Japanese national anthem was made compulsory. " moses http://www.hsse.nie.edu.sg/staff/blackburn/orahistoryJapaneseOccupationfemaleMalay.doc

11. This source was published by John H. Drabble, University of Sydney, Australia. On July 31, 2004. He took information from a book "The Economic History of Malaysia". The GDP per capita of Malaysia dropped drastically from 6002 to 1910. The Japanese had not allowed trade to happen, this was one of the main source of income for Malaya. This is a main reason for Malaya economy facing a crisis. It also says in the resource package, "the export of primary products was limited". This means that both sources raise up similar issues. This source was produced to educate the locals on how bad the Japanese occupation affected the economy of Malaya. The intended impact of this source is that people will stop supporting the Japanese and understand how cruel the Japanese are. Therefore this source is reliable.

12. http://www.eastwestcenter.org/fileadmin/resources/education/asiapacificed/2011/NEH/JapaneseOccupationOfMalaya.pdf The Japanese enemy wanted to sweep away all arrogant and unrighteous elements of the British Empire in Malaya and rejoice with the local Malayans as new members of the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. This can be seen in Nipponisation efforts made by the Japanese Kempeitai. This means that the Japanese resistance was used to force people to obey and be loyal to the Japanese. Yves.

13. During the Japanese Occupation, food was sparce, and the Japanese saved most of the resources for themselves. The POWs made use of what they could find in the environment to provide what sustenance the measly rations the Japanese provided could not. They ate hibiscus flowers, boiled lalang grass in a pot of water to make green grass soup and ate snails and dogs. It was calculated that the regular diet calories they consumed was just enough for one to breathe

14. http://popnightfall.blogspot.sg/2011/08/effects-of-japanese-occupation-towards.html

14.1. Content: This source is reliable in showing the economic changes in Malaya during Japanese Occupation.It was published by E Jay on 8th February,2011 and the link of the source has "sg" in it.The source states that the British had destroyed the main economic resources in Malaya before they left and the Japanese did nothing to restore them during the Occupation while due to shortage of goods,their prices shot up to an amount that most people could not afford,not to mention the "Banana" money notes that were issued by the Japanese caused the value of currency in Malaya to drop.This means that Malaya's economy had deteriorated drastically due to absence of substantial economic resources,inflation and drop in significance of currency in Malaya.This economic changes are similar to those of Singapore,one of Malaya's closest neighboring countries,during the Japanese Occupation. -Joash(11)2F

15. By Matthew: This source is reliable in showing the harsh treatment of the Chinese during the Japanese Occupation. This can be supported by the source, a transcript of an interview, which states that the interviewee is Mdm. Sze, who experienced the Japanese Occupation when she was ten years old. In the interview Mdm. Sze elaborates on the acts of the Japanese during her daily life. Mdm. Sze, along with the her family, had to endure through food shortages, and was traumatised by the Japanese taking her step-sister during a raid on the village she lived in. This means that the source is given by a person that has had a firsthand experience in the Japanese Occupation, and since she was directly affected by the war it is highly likely that she would give original information on her experience. Source: http://www.hsse.nie.edu.sg/staff/blackburn/oral_historyjapoccupChinesewoman.doc