4. How did you integrate technologies in this project?

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4. How did you integrate technologies in this project? por Mind Map: 4. How did you integrate technologies in this project?

1. 2. Software

1.1. Photoshop

1.1.1. Difficult to use at first, but now I'm a pro!!

1.2. Internet Browser (google chrome)

1.2.1. For editing online.

2. Online

2.1. Google Drive

2.1.1. Because I don't have Microsoft word/powerpoint

2.2. Research

2.2.1. Survey monkey for gathering information from people.

2.2.2. Wikipedia for even more info.

2.3. Presentation

2.3.1. Google Slides

2.3.2. Powtoon

2.3.3. Emaze

2.3.4. Prezi

2.3.5. Padlet

2.3.6. Mindmiester

3. 1. Hardware

3.1. Camera ( Sony Cybershot )

3.1.1. I used different modes to create interesting effects.

3.1.2. All my images were taken on this camera.

3.2. iPod touch

3.2.1. I used this to create my dashboard using several applications.