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GLE 100 MIESSP by Mind Map: GLE 100 MIESSP

1. introvert

1.1. not shy likes to talk to people

1.2. likes to be around people when study

2. N – Intuition

3. INTPs tend to be more abstract than concrete. They focus their attention on the big picture rather than the details

4. T – Thinking

5. INTPs tend to value objective criteria above personal preference. When making decisions, they generally give more weight to logic than to social considerations

6. study tips

7. take notes in class

8. write stuff out

9. stay foucus

9.1. get good sleep

10. test urself

11. kurzweil

12. how did kurzweil help me it help me learn things i did not know i can do when i type

13. i learned that kurzweil spell check is way better than micorsoft

14. when i type kurzweil can spell it out when i type

15. IEP

16. learning disability i have some thing that is called borderline Borderline intellectual functioning is a cognitive impairment that applies to people who have lower than average intelligence but do not have intellectual developmental disorder or mental retardation. Borderline intellectual functioning is diagnosed by IQ test scores that are between 71 and 84.

17. P – Perception

18. INTPs tend to withhold judgment and delay important decisions, preferring to "keep their options open

19. self advocacy

20. the action of representing oneself or one's views or interests.

21. i would need self advocacy when the teacher does not know i have a iep and i tell him about it

22. i can tell the teacher that  i have a iep

23. clean the house without getting asked

24. ask the teacher nice

25. talk with her after or before not during a lesson

26. volunteering

27. the options i looked at was Mississauga summer camps and help setup sports event and habitat for human

28. ways to organize your volunteer hours .keep a log on my phone .call in head of time . resarch volunteer places

29. Contributing to society" usually means doing something cooperative or altruistic for the benefit of your community or society at large.

30. my strengths   processing speed oral fuency listening comprehension

31. my weakness verbal comprehension perceptual  reasoning writen expression reading comprehension math computaion and reasoning