Marisol Duran Browsers 2010

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Marisol Duran Browsers 2010 by Mind Map: Marisol Duran  Browsers 2010

1. Define: Browser

2. Explorer9

2.1. Pros:

2.1.1. Internet Explorer 9 has overcome Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari in terms of HTML5

2.1.2. Allow websites to run smoother and faster in your browser

2.2. Cons:

2.2.1. You need to have one of the three following operating systems: Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows 7

2.2.2. Failure to embrace modern technologies

3. Explorer8

3.1. Cons:

3.1.1. Still flags behind when compared to the other browsers.

3.1.2. Little support for the now

4. Opera

4.1. Pros:

4.1.1. Excellent download, search engine and pop-up blocker

4.1.2. Meets 21 features compared to Chrome and Firefox

4.2. Cons:

4.2.1. Poor Navigation

4.2.2. The menus can be difficult

5. A software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web.

6. Sources

6.1. All sources are from October/Nov 2010

6.1.1. Shorten your URLs at the following link:







7. Mozilla Firefox

7.1. Pros:

7.1.1. Default download folder, a separate download, and the ability to delete, view or clear all downloads.

7.1.2. Supports a wide of different web standards

7.2. Cons:

7.2.1. Clutter

7.2.2. Will use up a lot of memory when plug-ins are running

8. Google Chrome

8.1. Pros:

8.1.1. With a perfect score for compliance with four features

8.1.2. In comparison with Opera and Firefox it supports features: download management, spell check, audio updater, pop-up blocker.

8.2. Cons:

8.2.1. Compared to it biggest competitor (Firefox) it doesn't have many extensions.

8.2.2. Privacy, since it is run by google

9. Apple Safari

9.1. Pros:

9.1.1. You can use the browser for the IPhone, Ipad.

9.1.2. In comparison with Chrome and Beta

9.2. Cons:

9.2.1. Suporting the lowest HTML5 compliance level of all browsers.

9.2.2. The worst HTML5 supporter