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1. Parts. 1. Volante 2. Clutch Disc 3. Guides 4. Hoop apollo 5. oppressor Plato 6. Diaphragm 7. Disk Resosrtes 8. Cover plate and bolted to the oppressor to see the wheel 9. thrust Ruleman 10. fORK

2. This situated between the engine and the gearbox.

3. Mechanical drive; A steel cable attached to a pedal operated un clutch. Hydraulic drive; A pedal attached to a master cylinder and a receiver connected by pipelines operated clutch.

4. The first clutch was created in 1885 by Karl Benz.

5. It is a mechanism that allows you to stream or interrupting the transmissio of energy from the engine torque to the wheels.

6. Its main function is ensure that the speed changes are made easily and without damage to any of the parts of the engine.