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databases by Mind Map: databases

1. parts of data base

1.1. fields

1.2. columns

1.3. information

1.4. structure

1.5. records

1.6. folders

2. errors that may occure

2.1. Software bugs like viruses and disk crash

2.2. lose saved data

2.3. Natural problems like floods, fires and power-cuts

3. Database objects

3.1. A database object is a thing that holds information in structures and records.

4. data type

4.1. text

4.2. auto number

4.3. currency

4.4. date

4.5. number

4.6. ole object

5. positive of using databases

5.1. quick

5.2. New node

5.3. New node

5.4. New node

5.5. New node