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My Favorite Food создатель Mind Map: My Favorite Food

1. Malai Kofta

1.1. Recipe http://www.vegrecipesofindia.com/malai-kofta/

1.2. All Organic ingrdients

1.3. Fully Vegetarian

1.4. Good Source of Protein

1.5. Eat 3-4 times a year

1.6. Eat At Weddings and Restaraunts-During dinner or lunch

2. Butter Chicken

2.1. Recipe http://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1016754-butter-chicken

2.2. No processed meat

2.3. Organic Vegetables

2.4. Full of Protein

2.5. Low Trans Fat

2.6. Full of Iron

2.7. Low Sugar

2.8. Eat Every 3-4 months a year

2.9. Eat at Weddings-during dinner

3. Shahi Paneer

3.1. Recipe http://www.vegrecipesofindia.com/shahi-paneer/

3.2. All Organic

3.3. Full of Protein

3.4. Full of Calcium

3.5. Fully Vegetarian

3.6. Eat Every 2 months

3.7. Eat at home and weddings-during the dinner