User Experience of Markerless Augmented Reality Applications in Cultural Heritage Museums by publ...

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User Experience of Markerless Augmented Reality Applications in Cultural Heritage Museums by public contributions: Case Study “MuseumEye” project by Mind Map: User Experience of Markerless Augmented Reality Applications in Cultural Heritage Museums by public contributions: Case Study “MuseumEye” project

1. 3- Method

1.1. Our method investigates :

1.1.1. Awareness of AR

1.1.2. Guidance Experience in Museums

1.1.3. Current Guidance Experience

1.1.4. Usability and user Experience

1.1.5. level of Interaction individually or in Groups

1.2. Surveys conducted and Participants contributed

1.2.1. Data Collected

2. 2- 'MuseumEye' Project

2.1. Senario

2.1.1. Senario in Leeds City Museum

2.1.2. Senario in Egyptian Museum in Cairo

2.2. System Structure

2.2.1. Guided Content

2.2.2. Beacons Settings

2.2.3. Markerless technique

2.2.4. System Interactions

3. 1- Introduction

3.1. Augmented Reality in Museums

3.2. Literature Review SLAM

3.3. Literature Review Markerless tracking

3.4. Concept behind "MuseumEye"

3.4.1. Out of Glass Box

3.4.2. Combination of Multimedia Content

3.4.3. Levels of Information

3.4.4. Localisation aspect with Literature review of BLE Beacons

3.5. User Experience Aspect in AR

3.6. Public Engagement aspect during Experience

4. 4- Results

4.1. Leeds City Museum Scheme

4.1.1. Results in Surveys with analysis Awareness of AR Guidance Experience in Museums Current Guidance Experience Usability and user Experience level of Interaction individually or in Groups

4.2. Egyptian Museum Scheme

4.2.1. Results in Surveys with analysis Awareness of AR Guidance Experience in Museums Current Guidance Experience Usability and user Experience level of Interaction individually or in Groups

5. 5- User Experience in Augmented Reality applications

6. 6- Relation between Augmented Reality and public Engagement aspect

7. 7- Conclusion