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Hydrocarbons by Mind Map: Hydrocarbons

1. Methane: Meth=1, 1 carbon atom, 4 hydrogen atoms

2. Bonding

2.1. Hydrocarbons have only covalent bonds

2.2. There can be single, double, and triple bonds

2.2.1. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

2.3. Covalent bonds Share electrons

3. LOL


5. q

5.1. :)

5.1.1. :) :) :)

6. When using the right formulas, you should be able to create a structure/dot diagram to help you visually see how things come to life and why things are developed the way they are.

7. Ethane: Eth=2, 2 carbons atoms, 6 hydrogen atoms

8. The interrelation or arrangement of parts in a complex entity. In a way the construction and organization of parts such as moles, molecules, macro-molecules, etc. all form together to create something spectacular. By the way, stop messing with the project. It's not fair for those who actually take education seriously.

9. Name

9.1. Propane: Pro=3, 3 carbon atoms, 8 hydrogen atoms

10. Structure

11. Formula

11.1. Each new element adds one carbon and two hydrogen molecules.

11.2. Example 1: Methane- CH4

11.3. Example 2: Ethane-