Marcus Concept Map

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Marcus Concept Map by Mind Map: Marcus Concept Map

1. contemporary crisis of representation

2. argument against functionalism/structuralism

3. modern

3.1. organized capitalism

3.2. holism

3.3. fiction of the whole

3.4. single-sited ethnograhy

3.5. monologic authority

3.6. ethnographic realism

3.7. culture "explained"

4. post-modern

4.1. disorganized capitalism

4.2. fragmented

4.3. incomplete ethnography

4.4. polyphonic

4.5. new old realism

4.6. cultural critique through critical juxtapositions

5. anthropology as a discipline

6. ethnography as authoritative voice

7. academic colonialism

8. unequal power relations

9. old complicity

10. reflexivity

11. new complicity

12. affinity=equivalence

13. post-modern deconstruction of colonial narrative in ethnography