Evelyn Villagrana Gaming

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Evelyn Villagrana Gaming by Mind Map: Evelyn Villagrana Gaming

1. Nintendo Wii

1.1. multiple worlds from the Nintendo Wii-Game Console - stylish design, fantastic features, and ease of use.

2. The PS3™ system has built-in Wi-Fi and huge amounts of storage for games

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4. BOX INCLUDES PlayStation®3 320GB system DUALSHOCK®3 wireless controller AC power cord AV cable USB cable

5. Bundle contents including wii sports resort and the wii motion plus accesory (black) with original wii sport also included, along wit the wii console.

6. X Box 360 Slim

6.1. The new 360 is about 17 percent smaller than its predecessor and includes a 250GB hard drive and onboard Wi-Fi.

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