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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. Summative

1.1. 1. At the end of a unit

1.2. 2. Should be prepared before the unit

2. Both summative and formative can follow student learning to show areas of improvement and success

3. SA Ideas: project, performance assessment, essay, multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, open-ended response (OER)

3.1. Projects, performance assessments, and essays will need a rubric so students know the requirements

4. Formative

4.1. 1. Quick feedback

4.2. 2. Allows for adjusting lessons the same or next day

4.3. 3. Useful for adjusting lessons (may mean re-teaching with a different method)

5. Can be used for formative assessments

6. FA Ideas: bell ringer, exit ticket, quizzes, cold call

6.1. Bell ringer and exit tickets may be taken as a grade, but that is at the teacher's discretion.