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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. Question Types

1.1. Multiple choice

1.2. Matching, sequencing

1.3. True-False, Yes-No

1.4. Factual Short Answer

1.5. Higher-order short answer

1.6. Short or Long essay

2. Definiton

2.1. Shared Process

2.2. Purposeful and Systematic Measurement

2.2.1. Documentation

2.2.2. Reflection

2.2.3. Improvement

2.3. Analyzes and uses data to make decisions to

2.3.1. Helps students learn

2.3.2. Teachers improve instruction

3. Formative

3.1. Structured Exercises

3.2. Pretests

3.3. Homework

3.4. In Class assignments

3.5. Quizzes and Unit Tests

3.6. Classroom Response Systems

4. Summative

4.1. End of a large chunk of learning

4.2. Review what you want to do

4.3. Ensuring high-Quality assessment

4.4. Representative sampling

4.5. Standardized testing, final exams, major projects, research projects