Design and Build a Rollercoaster

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Design and Build a Rollercoaster by Mind Map: Design and Build a Rollercoaster

1. Really Tall hills

2. Energy

2.1. Kinetic

2.2. Potential

2.3. Mechanical

3. Amusement

3.1. fun

3.2. music playing throughout ride

4. Lines are fast

4.1. multiple carts can get ready to go at a time

4.2. multiple passengers are in the cart at a time

5. Location

5.1. Cape York Austrailia

6. Intense

6.1. Recommended for young adults to adults range

7. Physics calculations

7.1. Fn

7.2. G-Force

7.3. Calculating Energies

8. Safety

8.1. Best equipment money can buy

8.1.1. sturdy tracks

8.2. best engineers building

8.3. comfortable overhead seat belts

9. Thrill

9.1. big loop

9.2. screams are necessary!

9.3. Feet dangling from coaster

9.4. high hills

10. Speed

10.1. fast

10.2. velocity

11. Cost

11.1. Cost of motors

11.2. cost of all equipment

11.3. cost of all employees